Another Day Another Coffee
Or Shall I say “Chai tea Latte” under the Bridge

As I drove to my day job at Engel and Voelkers realty this morning. I decided to take the scenic route and drove through the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). It rained two days ago which means the air was fresh, crisp and vibrant. I just love this type of weather. It feels a little chilly but not too cold, it’s just right. This weather is the reason most people in the world flock to LA.
So, I got away with a light jacket. As the breeze brushed against my skin I felt happy to be alive. This is what it is supposed to be like, nature mingling with my body. Right then I decided to take a little detour before work and treat myself to a Chai Latte at Verve Coffee. I love Verve on Melrose. As I drove past Malibu beach I felt grateful and joyful. I wanted to shout it out to the world, which we now can thanks to #instagram! #Anahitasw
Driving through HWY10, I exited on La Cienga BLvd and turned on to Venice Blvd. As I drove under the bridge I noticed a very long row of homeless people in tents, some had appliances set up next to them like a permanent home. It made my heart sink. The issue of homelessness is getting worse and worse as the price of housing increases. Just recently the DWP raised utility fees by 30% and 40% increase for trash pick up. I definitely noticed this hike in my bill! The homeless issue has gotten out of hand. Among them are veterans with PTSD, some maybe those with drug and alcohol habits, but others are entire familes who can’t find affordable housing. This problem has gotten worse and worse over the past few years. America is the most prosperous country in the world yet we haven’t been able to resolve the issue of homelessness. I don’t know about you, but I am ashamed of myself.

This is a short write up and it will take a long detailed blog to get into the details of why the number of homeless people in America and for the purpose of this write up, in Los Angles has reached staggering numbers. We can not stop searching for a solution until the issue is resolved once and for all. It ain’t over till there are no more tents under the bridge. We need to find a lasting solution. Just because I can sit at Verve and enjoy a latte doesn’t mean I’v forgotten my fellow LA natives. I think about my community and I want everyone to have a warm and safe place to stay at overnight. Christmas is only 20 days away and I think about the kids that will not have a place to place their cookies and milk for Santa. I understand that not everyone celebrates this holiday. However, they still have to spend the winter months on the streets while we cozy up on our couch in front of a fire place. This earth and everyone on it is our human community. We all occupy the same earth and breath the same air. It is time we took responsibility for each other and helped those in need.

This is not over… stay tuned for more on the issue. Meanwhile, enjoy the holiday season, hug and kiss your loved ones more. Maybe volunteer at a shelter and give back to those in need or if your a policy maker… WORK! Take ACTION, we voted for you and still believe in you. Make your community proud.
Stay blessed my friends.